Anderson, Jeff T (CA - Toronto) wrote:
I like having the samples, in the absence of extensive documentation these are 
key to understanding Tuscany...
I like the idea of packaging the samples as simple SCA contribution jar's.  I 
think keeping the footprint as little as possible is important, both in terms 
of optics and managing the complexity and understanding.
Just my humble opinion...

+1 to keep the samples as simple SCA contribution JARs.

The current webapp packaging is not quite right anyway as it's introducing a half baked mix of J2EE and SCA programming model inside the webapp.

I'd suggest the following:

- Package SCA sample components as simple SCA contribution JARs, stay away from webapps.

- To allow JSP and servlets to invoke SCA service component, support <implementation.web> Web components as described in [1].



From: haleh mahbod [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Mon 2007-08-13 14:55
Subject: Re: SCA distribution is really big now

It would be good to get user 's view on this as well.  I am re-posting to
tuscany-user list since I am not sure if  everyone monitors both lists.

On 8/11/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Our SCA binary distribution is over 100Meg now and there's still
and dependencies I've not added yet. This seems a little big considering
we're trying to sell Tuscany as all svelte and light weight.

So what to do? The reason its so big is that every webapp sample and demo
have ends up including a copy of most of the runtime and dependencies. One
solution could be to just ship fewer prebuilt webapp samples and demos.
Another could be to change the way we do those samples so that each
sample/demo is just a simple SCA contribution jar and you have to deploy
that to some Tuscany runtime. We've already the webapp runtime that would
work for that, and the Geronimo Tuscany support, and we could  create
another standalone runtime if you don't want to use Tomcat or Geronimo.

What do people think, does the size matter, are there some other things we
could do?



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