Adrian Mos wrote:
Hi Luciano,

Thanks for your help! Indeed, if I use <component_name>/$promoted$.<service_name> it actually works (in my case "InnerWeatherComponent/$promoted$.InnerWeatherService"). However as you mention in your older post, we should definitely be able to just look up the <service_name> directly. The current workaround means that the client must know the actual component promoting the service and if the composite writer decides to wire the service differently (to another component exposing the same interface), the client must know about it. Therefore, in the current situation, the composites do not "hide" their internal structure properly and in my view this is not completely aligned with the SCA "philosophy".

It's a bug, getService(interface, InnerWeatherService) should work if InnerWeatherService is declared in a top-level composite (i.e. a composite added to the domain level composite).

Could you please open a JIRA issue for this? Thanks.

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