Hi all

I have a few related issues to raise concerning authentication.

Firstly, when can we hope to see the policy framework being
implemented in bindings other than WS?  My concern is particularly
token-based authentication with the JMS binding.  I know, given the
new policy framework SPIs, it will be possible in principle to apply
policies to bindings externally, but I'm not sure that will be
sufficient in the JMS case.

Secondly, having authenticated, I need to access the credentials from
within the target component.  This is partly for application-specific
authorization within the component, and partly for passing on via
non-SCA references.  I know the RequestContext has a method for
returning the authenticated Subject, but it is not implemented. Is
there any intention either to implement this, or provide a equivalent
extension point?

Finally, to support any such feature, it seems to me we need some
extra plumbing to associate the authenticated credentials with the
current invocation on the thread, like the Subject.doAs() pattern -
although I know the standard version is broken.  This needs to be at a
higher level in the flow than standard interceptors.  For the WS
binding it seems necessary to do it above the Axis handler level, e.g.
with a servlet filter or by extending the servlet.  But I think for
JMS and other bindings it would need implementing within the binding,
probably in the Listener and possibly the Invoker (for replies).  Have
I missed something here?

Thanks in advance

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