On Wed, May 28, 2008 at 11:52 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Hi to
all.  I'm trying to connect to a service from an external program .In
tuscany 1.1 i use this code: SCADomainFinder domainFinder =
SCADomainFinder.newInstance();String uriSCA =
"http://domain_ip:9990";domain =
domainFinder.getSCADomain(uriSCA); MyClass obj =
domain.getService(MyClass.class, serviceName); And there isn't problem.
Now i choose to pass to Tuscany 1.2 i receive: Exception in thread
org.osoa.sca.ServiceRuntimeException: Target fault type cannot be resolved:
nullwhen i try to look up for the service (domain.getService line).Someone
can help me? Hi LucaI'm having a little difficulty reading your code as
all the special characters have become URL encoded for some reason.  I
think your are trying to use the domain = domainFinder.getSCADomain(uriSCA);
API. This has fallen into disrepair as we have upgraded the domain support
recently. We haven't quite got rid of all of the old stuff yet.
Apologies for the confusion. If you give a description of what you are
trying to achieve I can point you in the direction of the correct APIs to
use.  RegardsSimonThanks for your help. I try to clean up the code, i hope
that is more readable now!I have an object that wanna look up for services
into the domain. It can't be wired to any specific services. In Tuscany
1.1 you can use domainFinder.getSCADomain(uriSCA) to find the domain and
then you can look up for the service you want, but it want work in Tuscany
1.2! There is some other trick to do this?Luca 
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