You are on the right track. Put your common definitions in a configuration 
module like this:


Then in client code, import Config. When you use the names defined in Config you have to prefix them with the module name like this:

import Config
print Config.data_dir

Alternately you can use either of these forms:

# Get a couple of names from Config into our global namespace
from Config import arch_data_dir, data_dir

or this:

# Get *all* names defined in Config into our global namespace
from Config import *

to make the bare names available in the client.


Dave S wrote:
Hi there,

I have some common data directories, like


which increasing numbers of scripts are accessing. At the begining of each script
I end up putting in declarations like


over & over. This is OK until I want to move a directory

Somewhere I read about importing a script to define common globals for all the scripts that import it.

I tried this, and failed - the variable was only valid for the module, to be expected really :)

Can anyone make a suggestion howto set up common global presets.


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