Hi Brian and Dick, 

I for one have learnt a lot from this combined poke around the
workings of datetime. The datetime.year thing never occurred to me,
yet it was so obvious when I saw it being used.

I give you, my python alarm clock timing mechanism, final version!


It works on the cmd line - 

python alarm.py 17:30 

Sets the alarm for the next occurrence of 17:30, using nothing  but
datetime.datetime objects, and one timedelta (maybe).

'Twas a good discussion. : )

Liam Clarke

On Thu, 09 Dec 2004 00:12:04 -0500, Brian van den Broek
> Brian van den Broek said unto the world upon 2004-12-07 23:57:
> > Dick Moores said unto the world upon 2004-12-07 12:04:
> >
> <SNIP all of Dick and most of Brian's reply>
> > The note you reference:
> >
> > date2 is moved forward in time if timedelta.days > 0, or backward if
> > timedelta.days < 0. Afterward date2 - date1 == timedelta.days.
> > timedelta.seconds and timedelta.microseconds are ignored. OverflowError
> > is raised if date2.year would be smaller than MINYEAR or larger than
> >
> > presupposes you are adding a timedelta to a datetime as in Tim's
> > suggestion. It makes no promises if you were doing something goofy like
> > I was. (If that is what you were trying to get me to see, sorry, but I
> > missed it.)
> Hey Dick and all,
> I've taken a look at your code and finally seen what you meant, Dick.
> You were trusting datetime (along the same lines that Tim suggested to
> me) and thus weren't facing the problems I'd caused for myself. Sorry
> for missing your point before. Thanks,
> Brian vdB
> >
> > I hope this clarifies things some :-)
> Ah, irony!
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