
I'm sorry to hear you so discouraged.

It sourds like your program has gotten too big for you to clearly understand what it is doing. An earlier poster suggested that you break your program up into functions. This is a very good idea, especially if you do it from the start.

A very powerful technique for developing a complex program is to start with small pieces and build up from them. The pieces can be coded *and tested* independently. Because they are known to work, you can confidently build larger pieces by hooking together the small ones.

In your case, a very simple place to start would be a function to get rid of the '=\n' and '=3D' strings:

def cleanup(codeSt):
        return codeSt

Using the unittest module you could write a test like this:

import unittest

class CodeFixTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_cleanup(self):
self.assertEquals('<applet code="fphover.class">', cleanup('<app=\nlet code=3D"fphover.class">'))

if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()

That's pretty simple. Now move on to a function that, given an applet tag, figures out the corresponding link tag. Write tests for that function using examples from your actual data.

You could have another function that finds the applet tags. Finally a function that puts it all together. Still you can have unit tests that make sure it is working correctly.

When you are done you have a working, well-tested program and a suite of unit tests for it. Keep the tests - they will be handy if you ever want to make a change.


Liam Clarke wrote:
Well, I figured out the memory error relatively easily once I poked
some stuff, I was using codeSt.find instead of codeSt.index, so it was
returning no matches as -1, index raises an error for me, and I wasn't
catering for that -1. The MemoryError occurred when Python wanted to
slice from 160,000 to -1 or 0.

Was quite funny watching 1 Gb of paging file disappear in seconds.

But, I give up. Now, I've got several more bugs pop up. I've got an
index of integers that has the occasional index stored as a string. I
have indexes that start pointing at the right place, but when it comes
time to slice, the right place has moved. Unsure why, I'm specifically
moving from highest to lowest to avoid messing with the index values.
Even if nothing changes, my stored indexes go off course. This is

So, I'm going to throw caution to the wind, and try an re approach. It
can't be any more unwieldy and ugly than what I've got going at the

Thanks for all the help, I'm off to get myself another problem.


Liam Clarke

On Wed, 08 Dec 2004 15:25:30 -0800, Jeff Shannon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Liam Clarke wrote:

I'm not sure why you're getting the MemoryError, but it'd be easier to
figure out if you posted the entire text of the traceback.

Traceback: <usual bit about in module..>

Line 39: seg=codeSt[element:endInd+len(endStr]

Hehe. Helpful, no?

Actually, it was the "usual bit about in module" that might *be* helpful. ;) Often, something can be determined by the sequence of function calls listed there. Though I suppose, now that I think of it, that since your code is all module-level, there wouldn't be any function stack in this case... Still, in general, when asking for help with something that throws an exception, it's always best to copy & paste the entire text of the exception.

One thing that I've noticed, which I thought was just a typo in your
original email but which is duplicated again here (it's not present on
the web page you linked to) -- you have a mismatched parenthesis in
your len() call.  It's "[ ... len(endstr]" -- there's no ')' to close
the function call.  Given that this typo isn't on the web page, I'm
not sure whether it's actually there in the code you're running or
not.  I'd have *thought*, however, that if it *is* present, you'd get
a syntax error rather than a memory error, so it's probably not there
but you should check it anyhow.  :)

Jeff Shannon
Credit International

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