I'm not too sure what you are trying to do here, but the re in your code matches the names in your example data:
>>> import re
>>> name = 'partners80_access_log.1102723200'
>>> re.compile(r"([\w]+)").match( name ).groups()

One thing that may be tripping you up is that re.match() only matches at the *start* of a string, as if the regex starts with '^'. For matching anywhere in the string use re.search() instead.

Another possible problem is that you are defining regexp but not using it - have you been trying to change the value of regexp and wondering why the program doesn't change?

If you are looking for file names that end in log.ddd then try
re.search(r'log\.\d+$', name)

If this doesn't help please be more specific about the format of the names you want to match and exclude.


Gooch, John wrote:
This is weird. I have a script that checks walks through directories, checks
to see if their name matches a certain format ( regular expression ), and
then prints out what it finds. However, it refuses to ever match on numbers
unless the regexp is ".*". So far I have tried the following regular
and more...

Here is an example of the output: No Match on partners80_access_log.1102723200 Checking on type=<type 'str'> Name = some_access_log.1102896000

Here is the code: import os,sys import re #define the file mask to identify web log files regexp = re.compile( r"\." )

startdir = "C:/Documents and Settings/John.Gooch/My Documents/chaser/"
#define global functions
def delFile(arg, dirname, names):
found = 0
for name in names:
print "Checking on type="+str(type( name ) )+" Name = "+str(name)
matches = re.compile(r"([\w]+)").match( name )
if matches:
print "Match on "+str(matches.groups()) found = 1
print "No Match on "+name
if not found:
print "No matches found in "+dirname
print "Match found in "+dirname
os.path.walk( startdir, delFile, "" )

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