On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 18:21:13 +1300, Liam Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> from Tkinter import *
> import Image, ImageTk
> root = Tk()
> img = Image.open('SonicCruiser.gif')
> phi = ImageTk.PhotoImage(img)
> button = Button(root, image=phi)
> button.pack()
> root.mainloop()

Thank you !!
But I don't have the Image module...
Is it a part of the PIL toolkit ?
If not, where can I get it ?

> > Again, a practical explanation will be more helpful...
> Cross platform easy printing? wxPython, which is totally different to Tkinter.
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-January/205116.html
> >Printing is not easy, it is a complicated matter.
> >You can find 4 simplifications:
> >1) wxPython has a print-framework, wxPython is cross platform (alas, I only
> used it in win32)
> >2) print postscript. Ghostscript is available on "every" platform.
> (printing on PDAs and watches is  really different). Postscript is
> documented
> >3) create PDF. PDF viewers & printers are available on "every" platform.
> PDF can be created by (free) ReportLab toolkit, and I'm sure there are more
> PDF-Classes
> >4) create XHTML & a Print.CSS. HTML viewers are available on every
> Plattform, .CSS allows fairly good styling of printouts.

Is it so hard if I only want to print plain text ?
Because I don't need anything special (only black text on white paper...).

> You mean like IE's really good reasons to insist on being my default
> browser for everything? You're putting a lot of faith in software
> developers.

Maybe I do... =)

> You do realise that -
> no-one here is paid to answer queries?
> Alan Gauld is a very knowledgable person?
> Any knowledge is good knowledge?
> If at first you don't succeed, rephrase or Google?

Yes, I do.
Actually, I don't understand why you don't think its obvious to me (
must be because of my bad English =).

Thanks allot !

1. The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the
day they start making vacuum cleaners.
2. Unix is user friendly - it's just picky about it's friends.
3. Documentation is like sex: when it is good, it is very, very good.
And when it is bad, it is better than nothing. - Dick Brandon
Tutor maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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