
In this case I think using a class is overkill. You can write a simple 
procedural version like this:

def getOption():
    while True:
        print """
        Please choose from the following options.
        1) - Normal Unit test with static data.
        2) - Normal Unit test with missing data.
        3) - Integration test with current DTG.
        4) - Integration test with missing data.
        5) - Clean directory
        6) - Exit

        choice = raw_input("Choice(1-6) ")

            choice = int(choice)
        except ValueError:
            print "Please enter a number from 1 to 6"

        if 1 <= choice <= 6:
            return choice

        print "You have entered an invalid entry. Please try again"

option = getOption()
print "You chose", option

If you have multiple clients you could parameterize it so it becomes def getOption(prompt, low, high)

I try to do the simplest thing that could possibly work. Sometimes that is just straight line code, with maybe a few functions mixed in. Sometimes a procedural approach works fine. Sometimes classes and objects are the right way to go, but I don't introduce classes until I need them.

Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of OOP, but sometimes it is a bigger hammer 
than you need.


Ertl, John wrote:
I am trying to do the usual thing of asking for an input and then checking
it to see if it is valid.  If the entry is not valid then ask again until
you get the correct answer.

I have come up with this class.  I am trying to make a transition from
procedural programming to object oriented.   Is this a good approach for
such a check?  It seems to me this is more work then needed. (I can put in a
counter also to break out if you try too many times).

Please comment if you have the time.

class greating:

    def __init__(self):
        self.OK = False
        self.lowValue = 1
        self.highValue = 6

    def opening(self):
        print """
        Please choose from the following options.
        1) - Normal Unit test with static data.
        2) - Normal Unit test with missing data.
        3) - Integration test with current DTG.
        4) - Integration test with missing data.
        5) - Clean directory
        6) - Exit
        self.choice = raw_input("Choice(1-6) ")

def check(self):
self.choice = int(self.choice)
except ValueError:
print "Please enter a number from ",self.lowValue," to
if self.choice > self.highValue or self.choice < self.lowValue:
print "You have entered an invalid entry. Please try again"
self.OK = True

a = greating()

while a.OK != True:

print a.choice

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