> Okay here comes the next question.
> In that class, I have 3 functions. Actually, one of them calls the
> others.

You have 3 methods, functions and methods are similar but different!
If you think of them asthe same thing you will probably get
confused by OOP later on!

> However when I call these functions (wich are placed before the
> in the file), I get an error saying that the global name x (the
> name) is not defined.

WE could do with some code to show how you do that, and definitely
cut n paste the error report. Python error reports are very helpful
in tracing issues.

> What am I doing wrong?

Without code or error report I can only make a wild guess.
Are you remembering to precede the method name with the object name?


from myModule import MyClass  # get access to the class
myobject = MyCLass()          # create an object from the class
myobject.myMethod()   # send message to the object to call myMethod

Alan G
Author of the Learn to Program web tutor

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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