> >I just got my own Linux box running again 4 months after
> >moving house! I thought I'd try a Suse distro I got with
> >Borlands Kylix and calamity - no python!
> >Back to Mandrake I think.
> I have yet to see a SuSE distribution without python although you
may have
> to install it from using yast2.

I think this is a non standard one Borland used just for
those who wanted to use Kylix. It seems to be missing quite
a few things I'm used to seeing - like LaTeX and Jove...

I'll go back to my old faithful Mandrake when I get the time,
Suse was just a disk I had handy. Ultimately I only want to
use Linux as a server, in fact it won't even have a monitor
attached, telnet and an xserver (cygwin) from the PC will
suffice. At least I know the new motherboard I fitted
works! :-)

Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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