> It's educational to look at the code anyway <wink>.  Here it is,
> Python's listobject.c:

Its been on my list of things to do for a long time.
The biggest problem with C code is usually finding the
bit you want, unless there is a good roadmap (aka
design document)

> static int
> list_length(PyListObject *a)
> {
> return a->ob_size;
> }

> implementation.  OTOH, people should be afraid to _write_ C code:
> will bite you every time <0.9 wink>.

Yep, having run the maintenance team for a 3.5 milion line
project in C/C++ its truly amazing the number of ways you
can screw up in C! Its one of the reasons I now use Python
and leave the C/Java stuff to others...

Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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