is good for when you need to make your code accessible - best of all
it formats the code for you. Just copy & paste your code, and
distribute the link it gives you. Your 'pasted' code expires after 24
hours though.


Liam Clarke

On Sun, 16 Jan 2005 02:39:20 -0500, Bill Burns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been working on a small GUI program (on & off) for a little while now and
> I'd love to have the group (or anyone for that matter) take a look at it and
> give me some pointers. Since I'm not a programmer and I don't do this
> continuously, I don't now if I'm on the right track or not. I'd love to have
> some feedback!
> I had originally posted my program to the list back in Nov. 04.
> The post can be found here:
> Since that time it has changed significantly and the amount of code has grown.
> The program is now 552 lines long. According to, there's 328 lines
> of code and the rest are docstrings, other comments and blank lines.
> I guess my question is, would it be acceptable to post this much code to the
> list? Maybe this really isn't a lot of code, but it seems like a lot to me, so
> I figured I'd ask first. If it is OK, would it be better to post the code in
> the body of the message or as an attachment? I would think an attachment
> would be better but then maybe attachments are not allowed on the list?
> I've used PyQt and Qt Designer to create this program. The main GUI and one
> other dialog were created with Designer and compiled to python with pyuic.
> These two separate modules are imported into a third module (the main
> program). I'd only send the 'main module' as the other two just contain
> auto-generated code from Designer & pyuic. The 'main module' contains
> the code I've written. Of course, the program will not run unless you have all
> three modules (and PyQt installed).
> I've probably been a little verbose with the comments in the code, but I
> figured if I post it and you don't have the GUI to go along with it, you could
> still get a feel for what the program is doing?
> Let me know. Comments accepted on or off the list.
> Thanks,
> Bill
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'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.
Tutor maillist  -

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