I was thinking (it's been a while since I played)  that I would do it

like this.  (strawman code)

class Character:
    def  __init__(self,name,attribs,skills,cyberware):
    and code to check attrib and skill mins and maxes
    physical and menatl attributes should be part of the character
(why would an attri bute need to be a separate class?)
    def addCyberware(self...):
    def removeCyberware(...):
    etc et al.
class Troll(Character):
    update min max code in class for each race
class Skill:
    def __init__(self, stuff):
       perhaps have a subclass for each skill?
       in addition the class would be responsible for it's
class Cyberware:
    set attributes skill atribute mods and sanity or what ever thne
    subclass for each item.  Also taking care of presentation
class Spell:
    just like cyberware but perhaps one level further abstraction

class Augment(Spell):
class Damage(Spell):
class Curse(Spell):
I guess the question is should the character class be a *is a* or
a* relationship with Race.  Perhaps they could be mixins.

For persistence the only reasonable solution would be an object 
persistence scheme of some sort.  Then throw in a Top Down RPG Engine

and life is good.


Max Noel wrote:

> On Jan 17, 2005, at 20:51, Jack Cruzan wrote:
>> Ok, so each character has his name, race, his stats, his skills,
and his
>> gear.
>> since the name and character is unique there is no need for a
>> these things.
>> hmmm maybe I am conceptualizing this wrong.
>> would each new character then be a dictonary? Made up of different
>> elements or would the character be a list? Since each character is
>> basically just a list of stats... the stats get modified up and
down by
>> race and certain gear... am I conceptulizing this correctly?
>     I've thought about it a few times. Actually, when I learn a 
> language, I often try to design and implement a SR character 
> generator. Then I give up because it's really complicated and I
> have time (other things to do using the aforementioned programming 
> languages, mostly :D ).
>     I'm probably gonna end up making a web-based one at some point,

> using either mod_python or Ruby on Rails. Gah, so many things to
> and so little time...
>     Anyway, my view of the problem was that at least the following 
> should be classes:
> - Character
> - Attribute
> - Skill (perhaps a subclass: Specialization?)
> - Augmentation (with subclasses like Cyberware, Bioware,
> - GearItem
>     Character would mostly be a container for the other classes, so

> most of its attributes would be dictionaries, like:
> class Character:
>     def __init__():
>         self.attributes = {'Body': Attribute(), 'Quickness': 
> Attribute(), 'Strength': Attribute(), 'Charisma': Attribute(), 
> 'Intelligence': Attribute(), 'Willpower': Attribute()}
>     Ah, things would be so much easier if McMackie would release
> NSRCG source code (despite this abomination being written in Visual

> Basic), wouldn't they? ;)
> -- Max
> maxnoel_fr at yahoo dot fr -- ICQ #85274019
> "Look at you hacker... A pathetic creature of meat and bone,
> and sweating as you run through my corridors... How can you
> a perfect, immortal machine?"

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