I don't know who's going crazy here... but I checked that straight from the python 2.4 interpreter...

Python 2.4 (#60, Nov 30 2004, 11:49:19) [MSC v.1310 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
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a = "go on long buddy"
' on long buddy'
a = "go long on log buddy!"
' long on log buddy!'

In both cases, lstrip just removed the first word... I don't see how this code is broken.

Hope we figure it out.

This code is broken. lstrip('gonl ') will remove *all* leading g, o, n, l and space, in any order:
>>> s='go long on log buddy!'
>>> s.lstrip('gonl ')

Instead of y.lstrip('gonl ') you should use y[5:] or maybe y[len('gonl '):]


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