On Mon, 7 Feb 2005, Tony Cappellini wrote:

> > Here's a quick function that should force a certain length on an
> > iterator:
> >
> > ###
> > def ipad(iterable, length, sentinel=None):
> >     i = 0
> >     for thing in iterable:
> >         yield thing
> >         i = i + 1
> >     while i < length:
> >         yield sentinel
> >         i = i + 1
> > ###
> BTW, is your def ipad() function the 20gb, 40gb, or 60gb model ? :-)

Hi Tony,

Oh, I had some terrible puns I was going to use in the last message.
Here's one, just for your amusement:

import sys

def ipad_maxi(iterable, sentinel=None):
    """Applies a maximum ipad()ding on a given iterable."""
    return ipad(iterable, sys.maxint, sentinel)

But getting back on topic: I like Kent's solution with map() much better
than my own.  I had completely forgotten that map() had a special case
that applies directly to what you're trying to do.

Best of wishes to you!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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