
On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:43:21 -0500, Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Python 2.4 includes a string.Template class which does much the same thing as 
> Itpl.itpl():
>   >>> from string import Template
>   >>> s, n, r = '0', 12, 3.4
>   >>> x = Template("$s $n $r")
>   >>> x.substitute(locals())
> '0 12 3.4'
> If you want to bundle this up in a pp() function you have to do some magic to 
> get the locals() of
> the caller. This seems to work:
>   >>> import sys
>   >>> def pp(s):
>   ...   loc = sys._getframe(1).f_locals
>   ...   print Template(s).substitute(loc)
>   ...
>   >>> pp("$s $n $r")
> 0 12 3.4

I just didn't want to give an answer that only works in python 2.4,
and one furthermore which I have not tested.

You can also find a recipe to make pp() easy to make at . This
function may or may not be better than yours; I haven't used either.
the Itpl module has worked fine for me (and for the author of ipython)
for quite a while.

Bill Mill
bill.mill at
Tutor maillist  -

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