Lobster said unto the world upon 2005-02-12 10:34:
Danny Yoo wrote:

On Sat, 12 Feb 2005, Lobster wrote:

<SNIP exchange trying to work out apparent conflict between idle and firefox>

Just to nail this issue down: try turning ZoneAlarm off, just for a
moment, and then start up IDLE. (You can always turn ZoneAlarm back on
after this experiment.) If you don't see any problems with IDLE, then
it's almost certainly a ZoneAlarm vs. IDLE confrontation, and we can focus
on that.

Good luck to you!

Turned off Zone Alarm and closed down IDLE on opening IDLE - I got the socket error message and the other error message - so not zone alarm (it seems)

- closing down IDLE and pressing ctrl alt and del
I notice that 3 copies of pythonw are in memory

I closed these down and IDLE is working again


for what it's worth, I've never had issues with Firefox and IDLE when running Zone Alarm. (Currently running ZoneAlarm version:

But the multiple copies of pythonw seems key, and also the sort of thing that better Python minds than most seem to accept they have to live with too: <http://mail.python.org/pipermail/edu-sig/2005-January/004365.html>


Ed Jason (aka Dragon Shrimp - aka Lobster)

PS - had a look at Crimson Editor and PSpad - very good but not quite for me
I rather like IDLE - it is specific - focussed

I've been pretty happy using IDLE supplemented by SciTe when wanting a better editor than that provided by IDLE.


Brian vdB

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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