jrlen balane said unto the world upon 2005-02-13 18:45:
ei guys, chill out! what if i choose to numbered my data from 1-96 for example. how would
i be able to exclude the numbered part from the data part?

and, mind if I ask, what's a YAGNI by the way?
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org


I do hope that my reply to Kent's welcome correction of my suggestions
didn't seem defencive. I'm learning too, and I think a few of us
learners have found that trying to help is also a good way to learn. I
feel confident in trying to do so because Kent and several other
likewise much more experienced people are about to catch my slips. I
may feel a bit embarrassed by them, but I am always grateful to
those how take the time to correct them. So, no defenciveness nor
spirit of competition intended on my part (nor, I am am certain, Kent's).

YAGNI is a slogan of the Extreme and/or Agile programming community.
Stands for You Aren't Going to Need It. The idea is, if you are
thinking of doing something other than (another slogan) `the simplest
thing that could possibly work' -- don't. The rational for
complicating things only when an actual need arises to justify the
complexity is that unnecessary complexity adds maintenance issues evey
bit as much as needed complexity, but without the payoff of additional
functionality. Or, so it seems to a non-XP'er.

Best to all,

Brian vdB

_______________________________________________ Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/tutor

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