Thanks that's much nicer.

On Fri, 11 Feb 2005 22:28:55 -0500, Kent Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you iterate over the author nodes you can check the user name and password 
> of each in turn.
> Not tested code!
> def authenticateAuthor(author, password):
>     authorxml = 'author.xml'
>     path = os.path.join(xml, authorxml)
>     if not os.path.exists(path):
>         return False, False
>     else:
>         tree = E.ElementTree(file=path)
>         for authorNode in tree.getiterator('author'):
>             user = authorNode.find('user').text
>             pass = authorNode.find('password').text
>             if author == user:
>                 if password == pass:
>                     return True, True
>                 else:
>                     return False, True
>         return False, True
Tutor maillist  -

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