Stefan Elwesthal wrote:
If I run it from within PythonWin it's all swell, i get my loginbox, and a messageBox handles me
corrct data entries (from an ODBC source)

The dialog box is a feature of PythonWin, not Python.

If I run it from Dos... i get the Dos dialogs with isn't really what I wanted for my raw_input

That's what raw_input does - it uses stdin and stdout. If you want a dialog box you have to use a GUI toolkit. EasyGUI might be just what you need, is designed for easy, dialog-box user input:

So, i read somewhere that rename it .pyw on win32 and it'll work. Well, if I do that and
doubleclick it.. nothing happens at all... so Nooooo..

Calling it .pyw makes it open without a console. So you are asking for console 
input without a
console...hmmm...sounds like a bad idea to me :-)


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