[EMAIL PROTECTED] said unto the world upon 2005-03-15 04:16:
ok thanks for the help but i did what you said and heres what i got don't know exactly what i got but here lol

<SNIP pages worth of help() output>

will you help me figer what i got out and the module docs dose not work whem i go to the browser in opens a window saying

580 Server Error

This Web page could not be opened. A connection to the page could not be made. Please click the Reload or Refresh button to try again.

thanks agin


1) *PLEASE* reply to all. This is particularly important in cases like the present one, where I personally have no idea what the trouble is, and thus don't have the ability to help.

2) Sending the results of help(HTMLParser), etc. isn't useful -- it makes for a giant email the contents of which we all can get by typing help(HTMLParser) in our own python shells :-) It is better to send just the unexpected things.

As for the problem:

For me, the 580 Server Error is unexpected, indeed. And, I'm afraid it takes us past my competency and knowledge level. Though I do wonder if you are running a firewall such as ZoneAlaram -- that could interfere with Module Docs attempts to serve up documentation. But that's just a guess: *I* can't help further.


Brian vdB

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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