Luis N wrote on Thu, 24 Mar 2005 05:31:03 +0200:

> py-xmlrpc uses a scant 4mb of memory, does only one thing, and does it
> well, serve xmlrpc requests. It appears significantly faster than
> Twisted.
> SimpleXMLRPCServer, as a CGI solution, appears acceptable, given that
> it be run from FastCGI or mod_python to give it that extra boost.

Unless you are aware right now of certain limitations which make one of the
solutions a priori unusable for whatever you want to do, I'd say just go
with the one which you find easiest to use and try to code in such a way
that it's reasonably easy to replace it with something else later. For
example 20 MB memory use doesn't sound like much to me on a modern
computer, but I'd leave Nevow out of the choice of your XMLRPC server.



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