> I am starting to studying Python. I have some previous
> experience with C (beginner level).

Probably the standard tutorial on the web site is the best
place for you to start.

> "Learning Python" by Lutz & Ascher,

And this is very good supporting material.

> "Python How to Program" by Deitel and others.

And this is particularly good as an intro into the wider areas
such as PyGame, XML/HTML GUIs and Network programming. The early
chapters are done better IMHO by Lutz, aand the official tutor.

Your next purchase should be either or both of:

Python in a Nutshell - a great 'pocket' reference and
Python Programming on Win32 - but only if you are using Windows of

You have more than enough beginner material already.

Alan G.

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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