I am fooling around with classes and I was trying to create a very
small one player text adventure. I made a class called commands here
it is:
class Commands:
    def __init__(self):
    def quiting(self):
    def look(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def get(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def take(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def kill(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def drink(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def eat(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def eq(self):
        print "\nNot working yet!\n"
    def helpsys(self,response):
        answer = None
        i = ['look','get','take','kill','drink','eat','eq','help']
        while not answer in i:
            answer = raw_input(response)
            #Help files will go here
            return answer

there is nothing special about it yet. But in the main code wich is:

while 1:
    com = Commands()
    a = ['look',
    commandl = raw_input(">>>: ")
    if commandl not in a:
        print "\nI don't understand that command?\n"

I want to beable to type in a command from the list at the prompt and
have it call one of the functions from the class. I was looking for a
shorter way to write it but the only way I can think of is with an if
statment for each command. Is there a better way or shorter way to do

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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