> Is there a reason to prefer one over the other?  Is one
> faster?  I compiled my regular expression to make it quicker.

With Python 2.4 I get these results (all imports are factored out, all give
the same result except for CSV which strips the "s) with timeit.py:

Own split:   26.8668364275
Tokenize:    78.8295112926
Rejoin:      11.237671827
Re:          13.9386123097
Re compiled:  8.19355839918
CSV:         23.3710904598

Of course, speed isn't everything (or you wouldn't be using Python).
Readability is probably the most important factor - I'd say that a re
(particularly a verbose re) would be the most readable, followed by using
the CSV module, followed by writing your own split function.  Since re is
also the fastest of the methods suggested so far, it seems like a good

> What a rich language!  So many choices.

Somewhat ironically, one of the tenets of Python is "there should be one--
and preferably only one --obvious way to do it." (type "import this" at an
interactive prompt).

import re
import csv
import tokenize
from StringIO import StringIO

def split_with_csv(s):
    input = StringIO(s)
    return csv.reader(input, delimiter=' ').next()

r = re.compile(r'\".*\"|[^ ]+')
def split_with_re_compiled(s):
    return r.findall(s)

def split_with_re(s):
    return re.findall(r'\".*\"|[^ ]+', s)

def split_with_tokenize(s):
    results = [tokenTuple[1] for tokenTuple in 
    return results[:-1]
def split_and_rejoin(s):
    combined = []
    b = []
    in_quotes = False
    for a in s.split():
        if '"' in a and in_quotes:
            b.append(" ".join(combined))
            combined = []
            in_quotes = False
        elif '"' in a and not in_quotes:
            in_quotes = True
        if in_quotes:
    return b

def split_no_quotes(s):
    index_start = 0
    index_end = 0
    in_quotes = False
    result = []
    while index_end < len(s):
        if s[index_end] == '"':
            in_quotes = not in_quotes
        if s[index_end] == ' ' and not in_quotes:
            index_start = index_end + 1
        index_end += 1
    if s[-1] != ' ':
    return result

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import timeit

    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_no_quotes('Hi \"Python Tutors\" please 
help')", "import temp3")
    print "No quotes", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_tokenize('Hi \"Python Tutors\" please 
help')", "import temp3")
    print "Tokenize", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_and_rejoin('Hi \"Python Tutors\" please 
help')", "import temp3")
    print "Rejoin", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_re('Hi \"Python Tutors\" please help')", 
"import temp3")
    print "Re", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_re_compiled('Hi \"Python Tutors\" please 
help')", "import temp3")
    print "Re compiled", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_csv('Hi \"Python Tutors\" please 
help')", "import temp3")
    print "CSV", t.timeit()

    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_no_quotes('This will not work as \"more than 
two words\" are quoted')", "import temp3")
    print "No quotes", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_tokenize('This will not work as \"more 
than two words\" are quoted')", "import temp3")
    print "Tokenize", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_and_rejoin('This will not work as \"more than 
two words\" are quoted')", "import temp3")
    print "Rejoin", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_re('This will not work as \"more than 
two words\" are quoted')", "import temp3")
    print "Re", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_re_compiled('This will not work as 
\"more than two words\" are quoted')", "import temp3")
    print "Re compiled", t.timeit()
    t = timeit.Timer("temp3.split_with_csv('This will not work as \"more than 
two words\" are quoted')", "import temp3")
    print "CSV", t.timeit()
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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