> From: Feziwe Mpondo <feziwe <at> sanbi.ac.za>
> how to run a programm after you have typed in the commands

Depends on where you type those commands. 

If you type them in the interactive interpreter, they are executed whenever you
press Enter. However, this method does not allow you to run the same program
twice (except by typing it in twice of course).

A better method is to use a text editor (you could use PythonWin, IDLE, SciTE,
Spe  or even Notepad). Type the code and, if you have an editor with good Python
support, locate its Run command in the menus and use it. If you use a plain text
generic editor, save the program and double-click on it in Explorer (if you're
on Windows) or launch it by typing at the command line:

  python <path-to-newly-saved-script>myscript.py



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