Joseph Quigley said unto the world upon 2005-04-17 12:29:
Hi all,
Another function question.....

def bar(x, y):
    return x + y

bar(4, 5)

So I can put anything I want in there. What good is a function like that?
Of course I know about.
def foo():
    print "Hello all you who subscribe to the Python Tutor mailing list!"

So what do you use the
def bar(x, y):
    return x + y

bar(4, 5)

functions for? (I just need a simple example)

Hi Joe,

(I see Max and Lee are quicker than I, but I hate to waste the typing! So:)

Jacob was, I think, exactly right when in his reply he stressed that these were just examples. I don't recall the exact context in the thread where such an example came up. But, a safe bet is that whoever gave it to you (gosh, hope it wasn't me, or the failure of recollection will be a bit of a blusher!) was giving you an example where the function definition structure was the complicated thing, not the function logic.

Given that Python has a builtin '+' operator, the bar function example adds nothing. But, consider this:

>>> def fancy_bar(x, y):
...     try:
...             return x + y
...     except TypeError:
...             return str(x) + str(y)

The original bar will barf in cases like bar(42, 'my favourite string'). fancy_bar won't. (Of course, it might not have the best result either. But it is an example of how you can harness the power of function definitions to do something more than do the bare Python builtins.)

Perhaps this analogy will hep you grok the point of functions. Have you ever defined a macro in a word processor? ('Macro' often has a special meaning in some programming languages, but put that aside. I mean to focus on the macros of, say, M$ Word.) The point of those is to allow you to put a bunch of word processor commands and operations into a convenient chunk, ready for easy invocation. You could always do the same operations one at a time by hand in the word processor. But, if there is a common routine, making a macro for it makes your life easier.

Function definitions in a programming language are kind of like macros definitions in a word processor. They let you put a bunch of logic into one easy to call command. They don't let you do anything you couldn't do before. But they save you from having to write the explicit step by step instructions each time. (That makes life easier and less error-prone.)

Of course, the point of this is more clear where you have more complicated logic inside the function body. But the examples people have been giving you are trying to keep the body simple, to focus on the function structure.

Here's a non-trivial example where a function does useful work. (It probably can be done more prettily -- never mind that, it is a 2 minute rough example :-) :

>>> def mode_finder(a_sequence):
        '''returns a tuple of the modes of a_sequence.'''
        count_dict = {}
        for item in a_sequence:
                count_dict[item] = count_dict.setdefault(item, 0) + 1
        max_count = max(count_dict.values())
        modes = [x for x in count_dict if count_dict[x] == max_count]
        return tuple(modes)

>>> mode_finder([1,2,3,1,1,4,4,5,5,3,3,7,8,7])
(1, 3)

The "mode" of a sequence is the most commonly occurring element (or elements). That is something one often want to know. The mode_finder function wraps the logic for finding it up into a single, nice, easy to invoke collection of commands. It is much better than rewriting those commands every time you want to find the mode.

Does that help explain why you'd care about functions?


Brian vdB

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