R. Alan Monroe wrote:
The main things about it that would make it appealing to me:

#1 - MUCH MUCH MUCH smaller exes. Speed is not an issue to me, but
filesize is. Have you ever compiled "Hello world" in a new language,
and found that the exe was 100K+, when it really only needs to be less
than 1K? And py2exe... I am not averse to using it, but 800 - 1000K+
exes, well, it's just my pet peeve.

#2 - Love of classic hacking wizardry. :^)

The problem is Python is a dynamic language so you HAVE to ship a runtime with it. That hello world bin may be small, but you will still have the Python runtime (at least a meg or so). Consider also module imports. Do they get compiled into the program? Shipped as a dynamic linked library?

Personally, it sounds like a nifty learning project. Realistically that seems to be the only benefit.
Tutor maillist - Tutor@python.org

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