I got over my intimidation with tokenize and learned to use it to strip comments from code files. In the process, I learned that the tuples that it returns for the position in the code of various tokens is 1-based in the row rather than 0-based, so the tuple pair (3,1),(3,2) would be the start and stop position of the "=" OP in the following code:

# line 1 according to tokenize tuple
# line 2
a=b #line 3

Does anyone have an idea of *why* the rows/physical lines of code beginning their count at 1 instead of 0? In order to process the code I either have to subtract 1 from all the first elements of tuple positions or else insert a blank line at the beginning of the list that I make out of my code when I want to process it.

Is this a candidate for a feature change request?

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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