Would anyone on the list with some knowledge of working with davlib.py (http://www.lyra.org/greg/python/) be able to advise regarding use of the library with a Dav server (apache2 with mod_dav) that is configured to require HTTP Basic Authentication?

Specifically, I have calls for davlib.put, which look like:

    mydav.put(myurl,mydata,None,None,{"Authorization":"Basic %s"%auth})

where davlib.put is defined as:

def put(self, url, contents, content_type=None, content_enc=None, extra_hdrs={ }):

The put functions work fine, as do some other basic Dav functions which are defined in a similar manner

However, I would like to manipulate the properties of files on the server. The "user" function defined in davlib is:

    def setprops(self, url, *xmlprops, **props):

which doesn't appear to permit the addition of extra_hdrs as before in order to carry out HTTP Basic Authentication. There is, however, a proppatch function defined as:

    def proppatch(self, url, body, extra_hdrs={ }):

which does not have some of the XML parsing and formatting that occurs in setprops.

I am wondering whether I should be implementing my own setprops function, perhaps inheriting and extending from the davlib class, whether I should be writing my own setprops function from scratch, or whether I should just use the proppatch function. Davlib.py isn't very well documented.

So in generic terms, the question is "I am using a library but the function doesn't appear to do what I need it to, what's the best way to proceed?".

Many thanks,

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Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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