> -----Original Message-----
> Consider a class with a lt of properties.  I would like a member
> function which generates a dictionary where the keys are the property
> names and the values are the property values?
> Is this clear?

I think so :-)

> How might I go about this?

I think you could simply use the special object attribute __dict__.  It
holds a dictionary of all properties and their values.

>>> class Something:
...     def __init__(self, item1, item2, item3, item4, item5):
...             self.item1 = item1
...             self.item2 = item2
...             self.item3 = item3
...             self.item4 = item4
...             self.item5 = item5
>>> s = Something(42,52,55,1,54)
>>> s.__dict__
{'item2': 52, 'item3': 55, 'item1': 42, 'item4': 1, 'item5': 54}

> Jeff


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