On 6/24/05, Michael P. Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 6/24/05, Adam Cripps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am a teacher and have written this little Python/Tkinter application
> > to help me with my report writing:
> > 
> > http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/squawk/ 
> > 
> > It's released under GPL and was quite fun to write.
> > 
> > However, currently the application only allows for 15 statements to be
> > managed. Increasing it to 25 would be easy. But I'm not sure how I
> > would manage the widget to present 100 or organise the statements 
> > according to subjects.
> > 
> > Can anyone have a look at the code - perhaps run it and if possible
> > suggest a way of implementing many more statements? Tabbed frames
> > would be a good way forward (where each tab is a school subject) but 
> > under Tkinter they don't appear to be that easy.
> > 
>  You can do tabbed frames in Tkinter.  They take a little bit of coding, but
> to get right, but it is certainly something to think about.  You might want
> to look into PMW (Python MegaWidgets) which is a Tkinter library.  Myself, I
> had always prefered to write things in Tkinter, but a lot of people like the
> widget set in PMW.
>  As for scaling the statements you have, you might want to think about
> putting the Label/Entry/Button widgets in a Frame with a Scrollbar widget. 
> Then you can add as many as you like and the user can scroll down to the
> 200th statement.  (I'm assuming that the user fills out each statement one
> by one, ugh!)  Incidently, this Frame would be the same frame used for the
> tabbing, I would expect.
>    -Arcege

I hadn't thought about a scrollbar - that would be very useful,
although doesn't add to the management side of the statement (i.e.
organising them according to subjects).

The user can load a text file and adapt that - so they don't have to
enter them by hand if they have them in a .txt file. Typing them in by
hand once is better than typing them in by hand for every child that
you have in your class, which is the whole aim of the software.



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