Kent wrote:
CGI requires a running HTTP server in front of it. The server receives the HTTP request, sees that it is a CGI request, starts a new process with the environment set according to the CGI protocol, and runs the CGI handler. Do you understand this relationship? (I mean that kindly, your response makes me suspect there is a fair amount of black magic in this for you.)
The snippet above just starts a simple CGI-capable HTTP server. It is useful for testing, not an essential part of the recipe. If you have other CGIs working you must have a working HTTP server already, such as Apache or IIS.
In your initial post you said "I have run other CGI scripts in the same directory." Were those CGIs written in Python? How did you run them?
Well, I understand the words, and I can see that the HTTP server (IIS, in this case) hands off CGI stuff to a CGI handler -- but I think that IS a fair amount of black magic! So no, I really can't claim any deep understanding of the process.
What I ran before were simple little test scripts of the "" variety. I would put them in the cgi-bin directory and invoke them with the browser, or with the HTTPLib in the command line, and I would get something back.
When I invoke any script in the cgi-bin that has CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler in it through localhost or localhost:80, the program freezes right up. Nothing returned, nothing in the IIS error log, no reply at all. However, the little test scripts that you and Joe provided run just fine as long as I don't use IIS as the server. Maybe I should have posted "IIS and CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler doesn't work at all!!" Seriously, it looks like my IIS installation is at fault -- probably some setting I need to change.
I wonder if that's the reason for all those unanswered posts -- it's not a Python problem, per se? Odd, though, that IIS is perfectly happy to run a Python script unless it has CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler in it.
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