Hi nephish,

I clearly remember it is very very simple and it is defined in the RFC. 
As far as I remember, the end of the headers are signalled by an empty line.

Try looking for '\n\n', this should do the trick. I've saved a couple of 
emails and it looks like this should work.

something like:

#full_text holds the full text of the message

bodypos = full_text.find('\n\n') + 2

body = full_text[bodypos:]

#body now holds the message body

Please let us know if this works, hope it helps.


nephish wrote:
> Does anyone know how to strip everything off of an email?
> i have a little app that i am working on to read an email message and 
> write the
> body of a message to a log file.
> each email this address gets is only about three to five lines long.
> but i cannot seem to get just the body filtered through.
> i get all the headers, the path, what spam-wall it went through, etc...
> any suggestions would be greatly appreciated .
> thanks
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