On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, D. Hartley wrote:

> Anyone have a good (*simple*) tutorial on making/sending cookies via
> python? (i.e., not receiving/messing with them).

Hi Denise,

I did find one tutorial here that might help with the receiving side of


To make cookies, in the examples of the Cookie module will probably help
the most:


>From the documentation, it sounds like Cookie.SimpleCookie is what you're
looking for:

>>> import Cookie
>>> mycookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie()
>>> mycookie['pop'] = 'tart'
>>> mycookie
<SimpleCookie: pop='tart'>
>>> print mycookie
Set-Cookie: pop=tart;

as the page at the very beginning of the Cookie documentation says that
Cookie.SmartCookie is too smart and trusting for its own good.

Best of wishes!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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