Also -

menu_choice = input("Choose an option: ")

input() is always bad. Use int(raw_input(""Choose an option: ")) instead. input() evaluates your input as a Python _expression_ - I could select 9 by entering 5+4

or, I could enter sys.exit() and drop to DOS (or whatever it's running on.) or far more malicious code, like deleting everything on C: drive

list[site] = id and passcard
I'm not sure if that's real or a comment. Possibly you meant list[site] = id + passcard ?

...Or, it could be this -

if site.has_key(site):
            print "The ID is: ",id(site)
            print "The password is: ",passcard(site)

id(site) - if you have functions called id and passcard, I can't see them, if id and passcard are collections (list/dictionary) I can't see them.

If they are functions, id() is a builtin Python function.

If they are collections, then the correct way to access member items is to use id[site] or

But, now I'm guessing. Please post error message. And, if you need to post code, please post all relevant code, I recommend to have it formatted nicely and even colour coded.


Liam Clarke

On 7/5/05, Liam Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What error messages are you getting? Please post the full message.

On 7/5/05, Nathan Pinno < [EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
What's wrong with this code? I'm using 2.2.3 if this helps.
#This is for a password protected program to store passwords.
password = "hello"
print "The Password Program"
print "Copywrite 2005. All Rights Reserved."
answer = raw_input("What is the password? ")
while password != answer:
    print "The password is incorrect."
def main_menu():
    print "1) Add a login info card"
    print "2) Lookup a login info card"
    print "3) Remove a login info card"
    print "4) Print Login info list"
    print "5) Save login list"
    print "6) Open Login list"
    print "9) Exit"
def load_login(site,filename):
    in_file = open(filename,"r")
    while 1:
        in_line = in_file.readline()
        if len(in_file) == 0:
        in_line = in_line[:-1]
        [site,id,passcard] = string.split(in_line,",")
        list[site] = id and passcard
def save_login(site,filename):
    out_file = open(filename,"w")
    for x in site.keys():
menu_choice = 0
list = {}
print "Welcome to the second half of the program."
print main_menu()
while menu_choice != 9:
    menu_choice = input("Choose an option: ")
    if menu_choice == 1:
        print "Add a login info card"
        site = raw_input("Site: ")
        id = raw_input("User ID: ")
        passcard = raw_input("Password: ")
        list[site] = id and passcard
    elif menu_choice == 2:
        print "Lookup a login info card"
        site = raw_input("Site: ")
        if site.has_key(site):
            print "The ID is: ",id(site)
            print "The password is: ",passcard(site)
            print site," was not found."
    elif menu_choice == 3:
        print "Remove a login info card"
        site = raw_input("Site: ")
        if sites.has_key(site):
            del numbers[site]
            print site," was not found."
    elif menu_choice == 4:
        print "Login Info"
        for x in site.keys():
            print "Site: ",x," \tID: ",numbers[x]," \tPassword: ",numbers[x]
    elif menu_choice == 5:
        filename = raw_input("Filename to save: ")
    elif menu_choice == 6:
        filename == raw_input("Filename to load: ")
print "Have a nice day!"
Nathan Pinno
Crew, McDonalds Restaurant, Camrose, AB Canada

Tutor maillist  -

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.'

'There is only one basic human right, and that is to do as you damn well please.
And with it comes the only basic human duty, to take the consequences.'
Tutor maillist  -

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