Thanks Todd. Can you please look at my other messages that you haven't 
answered, and see what's wrong with them, or what the answer is.
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Tutor] When I run this code, it just keeps repeating.

> Looks like you are making some pretty good progress.
> The short answer to your question is that the menu & user input need to be
> inside the while loop.  That way cal_opt has a chance to change value 
> before
> it gets evaluated by the while loop again.
> Another comment - the global cal_opt is considered evil by many.  Better 
> would
> be:
> def cal():
>   return  int(raw_input("Option: "))
> print "Mini Calculator"
> print "By Nathan Pinno"
> print
> while cal_opt != 9:
>   menu()
>   cal_opt=cal()
>   if cal_opt == 1:
>         X = input("First number:" )
>         Y = input("Second number:" )
>         print X, "+", Y, "= ",X + Y
>   ....
> Keep hacking away at it...  you're making good progress.
> --Todd
> On Saturday 30 July 2005 09:55 pm, Nathan Pinno wrote:
>> When I run the following code it just keeps repeating. Here is a screen
>> shot showing what I mean: Mini Calculator
>> By Nathan Pinno
>> 1) Add
>> 2) Subraction
>> 3) Multiplication
>> 4) Division w/o remainder
>> 5) Division with remaider
>> 6) Exponation
>> 7) Square roots
>> 9) Exit
>> Option: 5
>> First number:4
>> Second number:2
>> 4 / 2 =  2  R  0
>> First number:3
>> Second number:6
>> 3 / 6 =  0  R  3
>> First number:5
>> Second number:6
>> 5 / 6 =  0  R  5
>> First number:
>> Here is the relevant code:
>> # This is a small calculator.
>> def menu():
>>     print "CALCULATE MENU"
>>     print "1) Add"
>>     print "2) Subraction"
>>     print "3) Multiplication"
>>     print "4) Division w/o remainder"
>>     print "5) Division with remaider"
>>     print "6) Exponation"
>>     print "7) Square roots"
>>     print "9) Exit"
>> def cal():
>>     global cal_opt
>>     cal_opt = int(raw_input("Option: "))
>> print "Mini Calculator"
>> print "By Nathan Pinno"
>> print
>> menu()
>> cal()
>> while cal_opt != 9:
>>     if cal_opt == 1:
>>         X = input("First number:" )
>>         Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         print X, "+", Y, "= ",X + Y
>>     elif cal_opt == 2:
>>         X = input("First number:" )
>>         Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         print X, "-", Y, "= ",X - Y
>>     elif cal_opt == 3:
>>         X = input("First number:" )
>>         Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         print X, "*", Y, "= ",X * Y
>>     elif cal_opt == 4:
>>         X = input("First number:" )
>>         Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         if Y == 0:
>>             print "Division by zero ot allowed!"
>>             Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         else:
>>             print X, "/", Y, "= ",X / Y
>>     elif cal_opt == 5:
>>         X = input("First number:" )
>>         Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         if Y == 0:
>>             print "Division by zero ot allowed!"
>>             Y = input("Second number:" )
>>         else:
>>             print X, "/", Y, "= ",X / Y," R ", X % Y
>>     elif cal_opt == 6:
>>         X = input("First number:" )
>>         Y = input("Power:" )
>>         print X, "**", Y, "= ",X**Y
>>     elif cal_opt == 7:
>>         X = input("Number to find the square root of:" )
>>         print "The square root of", X, " = ",X**0.5
>>     else:
>>         print "That's not an option. Try again."
>>         menu()
>>         cal()
>> print "Goodbye"
>> How do I stop this, and make it go back to the main menu?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Nathan
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