On Mon, 2005-08-15 at 11:52 -0400, Michael Murphy wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm having problems with installing LiveWire for python for Linux
> (Linspire 5.0 to be exact) and I'm having trouble compiling setup.py.
> Heres the results:
> running install
> running build
> running build_py
> running install_lib
> creating /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/livewires
> error: could not create '/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/livewires':
> Permission denied
> I'm new at this but I'm sure this is an easy fix but I can't figure it
> out, any help is appreciated.
Most likely you need "root" privileges to change anything under "/usr".
If you trust the code, try running it again as "root" (also known as
"super-user").  Only do that if you're certain that the code is clean
(i.e. no viruses, trojans, spyware and/or worms)!

(Sorry, I don't know anything about Linspire, or else I would guide you
step by step on how to do that!.  In general, try "sudo" with your own
password, or "su" with root's password.)

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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