hi there,

i got a problem with Tupel and the find() function. I know in the document
are this Keywords which i am looking for but find() always returns -1.

Thanks for the help.


# -*- coding: utf_8 -*-

import string
import sys
import os
import urllib

anf_bez = 
end_bez = ('</tr>','MESZ','MESZ','Gebote','</tr>','</tr>','</td>','</tr>')

# Artikelnummer von dem die Infos gespeichert werden
artikelno = `sys.argv[1:2]`
artikelno = artikelno[2:-2]

if len(artikelno) != 0:

        TARGET_DIR = "/opt/internet/eBay/"
        EBAY_HTTP = "http://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=";
        EBAY_PAGE = EBAY_HTTP + artikelno

        SAVE_PAGE = ""
        SAVE_PAGE = SAVE_PAGE + "eBay-artikel" + artikelno + ".html"
        SAVE_PAGE = os.path.join(TARGET_DIR,SAVE_PAGE)

        # webSite laden und speichern

        # webSite öffnen und absuchen
        file = open(SAVE_PAGE,"rt")
        for a in file:
                asi = 0  # Suchindex für 'anf_bez'
                esi = 0  # Suchindex für 'end_bez'
                while asi < 8:
                        anf = -1
                        end = -1
                        anf = a.find( anf_bez[asi] )   # <------------ 
always returns -1, never find anything  ????? -----------------
                        if anf != -1:
                                end = a[anf].find( end_bez[esi] )
                                if end != -1:
                                        print a[anf:end]

                        asi = asi+1
                        esi = esi+1
                        print asi,esi

        print EBAY_PAGE
        print SAVE_PAGE
        print "Artikelnummer als Argument übergeben."

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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