below is my program. what i would like to do is to get the last line to
print the number of years that the user enters and also the principal

There are a couple (at least!) of ways to get the values into the string that you print.

The first way is to pass several values to the print command:

    print "The value in", years, "is", principal

Another way is to use placeholders:
   print "The value in %d years is %.2f" % (years, principal)

The placeholders (shown by the % sign) get replaced by the variables in the list, in order. "%d" means format the value as an integer. "%.2f" means format it as a floating point value with two decimal places. See http://diveintopython.org/native_data_types/formatting_strings.html for more details.

You could replace the main bit of the program with a single line, if you're feeling brave!

   principal = input("Enter the initial principal: ")
   apr = input("Enter the annual interest rate: ")
   years = input("Enter the number of years: ")
   print "The value in %d years will be %.2f" % (years, principal * (1 + apr)**years)

Hope this is useful!


# A program to compute the value of an investment
# years into the future

def main():
    print "This program calculates the future value of an investment over

    principal = input("Enter the initial principal: ")
    apr = input("Enter the annual interest rate: ")
    years = input("Enter the number of years: ")

    for i in range(10):
        principal = principal * (1 + apr)

    print "The value in years is", principal


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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