Bernard Lebel wrote:
> Hello,
> Let say I have this XML chunk:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <root>
>   <sceneobject name="Camera_Root" fullname="Camera_Root" type="CameraRoot">
>     <properties>
>       <property name="Visibility" fullname="Camera_Root.visibility"
> type="visibility">
>         <parameters>
>           <parameter scriptname="viewvis"
> fullname="Camera_Root.visibility.viewvis" type="Parameter"
> sourceclassname="nosource">False</parameter>
> I wish to retrieve the "False" between the opening/closing tags.
> I thought I could use something like:
> from elementtree.ElementTree import parse
> oTree = parse( r'C:\temp\Camera_Root.xml' )
> for oXMLObject in oTree.findall( '//sceneobject' ):
>       if oXMLObject.attrib[ 'type' ] == 'CameraRoot':
>               oXMLProps = oXMLObject.find( 'properties' )
>               # We found the tag
>               for oXMLProp in oXMLProps.findall( 'property' ):
>                       if oXMLProp.attrib[ 'name' ] == 'Visibility':
>                               print oXMLProp.text
> Now the print statements prints an empty line, wich is obviously not
> what I'm after :-)

You have to dig a little more, the text is part of the <parameter> element, not 
the <property> element. Something like
                for oXMLProp in oXMLProps.findall( 'property' ):
                        if oXMLProp.attrib[ 'name' ] == 'Visibility':
                                for param in oXMLProp.findall('.//parameter'):
                                        print param.text

I really wish ElementTree supported full XPath expressions. If it did this 
whole thing would almost be a one-liner - something like

for param in oTree.findall( '//[EMAIL PROTECTED]"CameraRoot"]/properties/[EMAIL 
  print param.text

Sigh. XPath really rocks. Anyone want to port lxml to Windows?


Tutor maillist  -

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