Kent Johnson wrote:
> Bernard Lebel wrote:
>>With ElementTree, can you search a tag under an Element by not only
>>specifying the tag label, but also some tag attribute values? That
>>would be in the case where I have several tags with the same label but
>>with various attribute values.
> FLASH: I just found PDIS XPath which evaluates XPath expressions against 
> ElementTree trees!

Here is a complete program that reads your file and uses pdis.xpath to dig out 
the value of a single parameter:

from elementtree import ElementTree
from pdis.xpath import compile

doc = ElementTree.parse('Camera_Root_bernard.xml')

path = compile('/root/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"CameraRoot"]/localproperties/[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]"Visibility"]/parameters/[EMAIL PROTECTED]"shdw"]')

node = path.evaluate(doc.getroot())[0]
print node
print node.text

>>I'm looking for something a bit like BeautifulSoup, like:
>>oTag = oElement.find( 'taglabel', { 'value' : 'xx' } )
>>Btw in case you wonder, I don't use BeautifulSoup because somehow it
>>takes 20-30 seconds to parse a 2000-line xml file, and I don't know
>>why. ElementTree is proving very performing.
> Would you send me privately a copy of your file and your code that reads it 
> with BS? I'm curious why this takes so long.

I took a bit of a look at this using the Python profiler. If anyone is 
interested, here is the main program to generate the profile results:

import BeautifulSoup, profile

sFile = r'Camera_Root_bernard.xml'

def reader():
    oFile = file( sFile, 'r' )
    oSoup = BeautifulSoup.BeautifulStoneSoup( )'reader()', 'profile.out')

This creates a file called profile.out that can be analyzed with pstats.Stats:
 >>> from pstats import Stats
 >>> s=Stats('profile.out')
 >>> s.sort_stats('cum')
<pstats.Stats instance at 0x009BF918>
 >>> s.print_stats()

Here is an excerpt from the output. It doesn't work very well in email 
unfortunately. The most notable thing is the staggering number of times some 
functions are called. The first column (ncalls) is the total number of calls of 
a function. The second column (tottime) is the total time spent in the 
function, not counting the time spent in lower-level functions.

If you look at the list, for a while the functions are being called 777 times. 
This is probably the number of start tags in the document. But when you get to 
recursiveChildGenerator(), all of a sudden it is called 898655 times, over 1000 
times for each call to _fetch()! This is a staggering number of calls, it is 
called 8 times for every character in the file!

I gave up trying to understand why this is happening, I would need to spend 
more time understanding the code...


Fri Sep 16 17:12:22 2005    profile.out

         9095825 function calls (9095048 primitive calls) in 80.402 CPU seconds

   Ordered by: cumulative time

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
        1    0.000    0.000   80.402   80.402 profile:0(reader())
        1    0.000    0.000   80.398   80.398 <string>:1(?)
        1    0.002    0.002   80.397   80.397 
        1    0.000    0.000   80.395   80.395 
        1    0.000    0.000   80.395   80.395 
        1    0.000    0.000   80.381   80.381 
        1    0.041    0.041   80.381   80.381 
      777    0.123    0.000   80.093    0.103 
2331/1554    0.057    0.000   79.989    0.051 :0(getattr)
      777    0.013    0.000   79.844    0.103 
      777    0.024    0.000   79.763    0.103 
      777    0.079    0.000   79.646    0.103 
     3108    0.051    0.000   79.575    0.026 
      777    0.019    0.000   79.496    0.102 
      777    0.010    0.000   79.467    0.102 
      777    0.014    0.000   79.456    0.102 
      777   10.923    0.014   79.443    0.102 
   898655   21.556    0.000   38.801    0.000 
   301476   10.316    0.000   23.791    0.000 
  2998523   14.816    0.000   14.816    0.000 :0(isinstance)
   602953    4.356    0.000    6.985    0.000 
  1206683    5.852    0.000    5.852    0.000 :0(hasattr)
   905237    3.231    0.000    3.231    0.000 :0(len)
   601431    3.022    0.000    3.022    0.000 :0(range)
   599875    2.201    0.000    2.201    0.000 :0(pop)
   605655    2.153    0.000    2.153    0.000 :0(append)
   301476    1.080    0.000    1.080    0.000 :0(callable)

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