Victor Reijs wrote:
> Hello all of you,
> I want to use yes/no-, text-, info-, checklist- dialog boxes in my image
> manipulation program (on a Windows XP Pro system using python 2.2 and
> 2.3). What is the best way to do this?

If your program does not have a GUI and you want to add some simple dialog 
boxes then EasyGUI might work for you:

If your needs go beyond this then you will have to choose a GUI toolkit and 
learn to use it. The two most popular GUI toolkits for Python on Windows seem 
to be Tkinter (which is included with Python, see for info) and wxPython 
( Which is "better" is a matter of opinion. I think 
the general consensus is that Tkinter is easier to use for simple projects and 
wxPython has more variety of widgets and may be better for a complex GUI.


> Do peopel have some examples or links? I want to know which python 
> modules are needed and where to get.
> Thanks for your feedback.
> All the best,
> Victor
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