> also I know i want an oval for the month but I only need half of one how
> would i just get half of the oval?

You are using John Zelle's graphics module, right? I don't think that module 
supports drawing part of an oval. As a work-around you could try drawing the 
whole oval, then draw a white rectangle that covers the half you don't want.

Good luck,

> from graphics import*
> def main():
>  win = GraphWin()
>  shape = Circle(Point(300,200), 40)
>  shape.setOutline("black")
>  shape.setFill("orange")
>  shape.draw(win)
>  leftEye = Cirlce(Point(285,210), 50)
>  leftEye.setFill("yellow")
>  leftEye.setOutline("orange")
>  rightEye = leftEye.clone()
>  leftEye.draw(win)
>  rightEye.draw(win)
>         sidenose = Line(245, 265)
>         botnose = Line(245,0)
>         sidenose.draw(win)
>         botnose.draw(win)
>  win.getMouse()
>  win.close()
> main()
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