On Wed, 5 Oct 2005, Jay Loden wrote:

> I'm having trouble with Apache and Mod_python - mod_python is set to use
> /var/www/html and pass all *.htm files on to the handler I wrote.
> Unfortunately, mod_python does a greedy match, so
> /var/www/html/subdirectory/file.htm still gets passed to the handler!
> Is there some way to limit the handler to the directory and NOT include
> subdirectories?

Hi Jay,

You may want to ask the Apache folks about this one.  Your question
specific enough that the Apache folks will probably be better at this one
than Python-Tutor.

If you strip your question to its essentials, it really is an Apache
configuration problem more than anything else; it really isn't related to
Python except from the tangential relation to mod_python.  The behavior
you're seeing is how Apache deals with all Directory-specific directives:
subdirectories "acquire" the properties of their parent directory.

But from the notes in:


it sounds possible for you to apply a RemoveHandler directive on the
subdirectories of whatever parent directory you're trying not to handle.

However, since we're really straying away from programming topics and into
web-server system administration, I'd strongly recommend continuing this
question on a mailing list like the one listed in:


Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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