Michael Cotherman wrote:
> I am a noob to converting pointers in C++ to arrays in
> python, although the first time I see it done, I will
> have no problem. Can you help converting the below
> (what I think is the 'decoder' section) to python?

OK I'll bite. Your code is copying from a src buffer to a dst buffer. The src 
buffer has a count byte followed by count-1 bytes of data. If the count is less 
that 0xFF, a zero byte has to be inserted into the dst. So the decode loop gets 
a count, copies that many bytes to the dst buffer, then optionally appends a 0.

Python doesn't have a direct equivalent to this sort of manipulation of memory 
pointers and raw memory buffers. They are commonly replaced by strings or 
lists. My function takes a string as an input argument, builds the output as 
string fragments in a list, then builds a string to return.

Note that Python strings include an implicit length so there is no need to pass 
and return a length argument.

I included a test case with the data from your previous email. Your data is 
evidently hex-encoded as well as COBS encoded - in other words your strings are 
hex values where each two chars represent a single byte. I have converted to 
and from byte strings to feed this to the decoder.


PS Please send your replies to the whole list, not to me personally. Thanks!

def unstuff(src):
    # src is a COBS compressed string
    current = 0     # index into src
    dst = []        # a list that will build the result
    while current < len(src):
        # Get the count and convert it to an integer
        count = ord(src[current])
        # Append count-1 chars from src to dst
        # Do we need to add a zero byte?
        if count < 0xFF:
        # Bump the counter and continue
        if count>0:
            current += count
            current += 1
    # dst is a list of string fragments; this converts it to a single string
    return ''.join(dst)

def hexToString(hexStr):
    ''' Convert a string of two-digit hex values to a string of bytes with 
those values '''
    return ''.join([chr(int(hexStr[i:i+2], 16)) for i in range(0, len(hexStr), 

def stringToHex(src):
    ''' Convert a byte string to a string of two-digit hex values '''
    return ''.join([ '%02x' % ord(s) for s in src ])
if __name__ == '__main__':
    data = '0002860104DB203F0100'
    print data
    data = hexToString(data)
    newData = unstuff(data)
    print stringToHex(newData)

> UINT CCobsPackets::UnStuffData(unsigned char *src,
> unsigned char *dst, UINT length)
> {
>       unsigned char *dstStart = dst;
>       unsigned char *end = src + length;
>       while (src < end)
>       {
>               int i, code = *src++;
>               for (i=1; i<code; i++) 
>               {
>                       *dst++ = *src++;
>               }
>               if (code < 0xFF) 
>               {
>                       *dst++ = 0;
>               }
>       }
>       return (UINT)(dst - dstStart);
> }

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