Dear Norman,
You can reuse function, this make your code more easy to handle.
Suppose you have  code  to calculate area of rectangle, but this time you like to calculate 3 times:
width = 3; length = 2
print 'area', width * length
width = 1; length =32
print 'area', width * length
width = 31; length = 22
print 'area', width * length
it is better if you have function func_area
def func_area(width,length):
    return func_area(width,length)
then your code becomes:
width = 3; length = 2
print 'area', func_area(width,length)
width = 1; length =32
print 'area', func_area(width,length)
width = 31; length = 22
print 'area', func_area(width ,length)
And something happened that a new area formulation of rectangle is = width * length * length (of course this is wrong, it is only an example that your formula or code sometime needs to be changed), so instead of writing all of this formulation one by one which prone to error, you can change only your defined function func_area.
def func_area(width,length):
     return width * length * length
And you get the right result. The key here is that you can change your code easily.
The next day you create a code in another module for example then you would like to use your func_area which in, then you can just import and use it.
in your you can type:
import old_module
print 'area of rectangle according old module is : ', old_module.func_area(11,22)
The key here is that you can reuse your function when you need it in other module.
Hope this help you understand a little bit the function of a function

On 10/16/05, Norman Silverstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I apologize to the list again for the noisy contentless ranting I made
> yesterday, so I'll try making it up by doing concrete demos of a
> function-focused approach.  This will critique Zelle's Chapter Two and
> Chapter Five, and see what things would look like if under a function
> regime.
< snip>

I am an elderly person somewhat physically handicapped with some
experience  programming in basic and pascal, many years ago. In order to
keep myself mentally active I decided to have a look once again at
programming and chose python as a good language to start with. So, I had
a look at 'Dive into Python', bought a couple of books, 'Python
Programming for the Absolute Beginner' and 'Learn to program Using

All was well to start with until I came to the section on functions. I
am finding it very difficult to grasp the reasoning behind the use of
functions and how and when to use them. I keep trying to see if any of
the snippets of programs that I have already come across are
transferable into functions without a great deal of success. The problem
appears to be that, and here I agree with the writer, functions are
introduced as something on their own, well after manipulating strings,
lists, dictionaries, tuples, loops etc are dealt with.

Having studied the examples given here, I am beginning to get some
understanding of what is going on. If only I could find many more
examples like these, in simple English, I would be a very happy student.

> Anyway, hope this helps!

It certainly helps me.


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