On Sat, 19 Nov 2005, Jan Eden wrote:

> I have a number of classes, each of which should inherit from a related
> superclass in another module:
> class A(Super.A):
>     ...
> class B(Super.B):
>     ...
> class C(Super.C):
>     ...
> Is there a way to dynamically determine the value of Super at runtime?

Here's a small example that shows how classes can be treated just like any
other value in Python:

def makeYa(superclass):
    class Ya(superclass):
        def sayHi(self):
            print "ya"
    return Ya

class ValleyPerson:
    def sayHi(self):
        print "like, so, oh my gosh, hi?"

FrankensteinClass = makeYa(ValleyPerson)
instance = FrankensteinClass()

So there's no need to do trickery with conditional imports; Python treats
classes as first-class objects that can be passed around.

Best of wishes!

Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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